Pithia VO datacenter Public Tables


Matched: 17

TablenameInfoTable desc.Res desc.
h2tecmaps.epn_coreTable InfoN/A TEC maps from Helgoe2 Pozoga Tomasik model calculated every 15 minutes for Europe region
ionosondes.epn_coreTable InfoN/A Warsaw ionograms scaled by Autoscala software
iriwarsaw.epn_coreTable InfoN/A IRI ouput from pyIRI 2016 model
nqmaps.epn_coreTable InfoN/A TEC, foF2, Muf(3000)F2,M(3000)F2,hmF2,hmF1,hmE maps from NequickG implentation is Helgoe2 Pozoga Tomasik model calculated for every hour
pl610_dynamic_spectra_casa.epn_coreTable InfoN/A Observation of ionospheric scitillation on LOFAR PL610 station in Borowiec using CasA radio source. TBD - The LOw Frequency ARray (LOFAR) is a radio interferometer operating at a low frequency range from 10 to 240 MHz. Single station consists of the two antenna fields: LBA (Low Band Antenna) which covers the frequency range 10-90 MHz and HBA (High Band Antenna) spanning from 110 MHz to 240 MHz.
pl610_dynamic_spectra_cyga.epn_coreTable InfoN/A Observation of ionospheric scintillation on LOFAR PL610 station in Borowiec using CygA radio source. TBD - The LOw Frequency ARray (LOFAR) is a radio interferometer operating at a low frequency range from 10 to 240 MHz. Single station consists of the two antenna fields: LBA (Low Band Antenna) which covers the frequency range 10-90 MHz and HBA (High Band Antenna) spanning from 110 MHz to 240 MHz.
pl610_dynamic_spectra.epn_coreTable InfoN/A Radio observation from LOFAR PL610 station in Borowiec. TBD - The LOw Frequency ARray (LOFAR) is a radio interferometer operating at a low frequency range from 10 to 240 MHz. Single station consists of the two antenna fields: LBA (Low Band Antenna) which covers the frequency range 10-90 MHz and HBA (High Band Antenna) spanning from 110 MHz to 240 MHz.
pl610_dynamic_spectra_jupiter.epn_coreTable InfoN/A Radio observation of Jupiter on LOFAR PL610 station in Borowiec. TBD - The LOw Frequency ARray (LOFAR) is a radio interferometer operating at a low frequency range from 10 to 240 MHz. Single station consists of the two antenna fields: LBA (Low Band Antenna) which covers the frequency range 10-90 MHz and HBA (High Band Antenna) spanning from 110 MHz to 240 MHz.
pl610_dynamic_spectra_sun.epn_coreTable InfoN/A Radio observation of Sun on LOFAR PL610 station in Borowiec. TBD - The LOw Frequency ARray (LOFAR) is a radio interferometer operating at a low frequency range from 10 to 240 MHz. Single station consists of the two antenna fields: LBA (Low Band Antenna) which covers the frequency range 10-90 MHz and HBA (High Band Antenna) spanning from 110 MHz to 240 MHz.
pl610_dynamic_spectra_taua.epn_coreTable InfoN/A Observation of ionospheric scintillation on LOFAR PL610 station in Borowiec using TauA radio source. TBD - The LOw Frequency ARray (LOFAR) is a radio interferometer operating at a low frequency range from 10 to 240 MHz. Single station consists of the two antenna fields: LBA (Low Band Antenna) which covers the frequency range 10-90 MHz and HBA (High Band Antenna) spanning from 110 MHz to 240 MHz.
pl610_dynamic_spectra_vira.epn_coreTable InfoN/A Observation of ionospheric scintillation on LOFAR PL610 station in Borowiec using VirA radio source. TBD - The LOw Frequency ARray (LOFAR) is a radio interferometer operating at a low frequency range from 10 to 240 MHz. Single station consists of the two antenna fields: LBA (Low Band Antenna) which covers the frequency range 10-90 MHz and HBA (High Band Antenna) spanning from 110 MHz to 240 MHz.
tap_schema.columnsTable InfoColumns in tables available for ADQL querying. Unnamed data center's Table Access Protocol (TAP) service with table metadata.
tap_schema.groupsTable InfoColumns that are part of groups within tables available for ADQL querying. Unnamed data center's Table Access Protocol (TAP) service with table metadata.
tap_schema.key_columnsTable InfoColumns participating in foreign key relationships between tables available for ADQL querying. Unnamed data center's Table Access Protocol (TAP) service with table metadata.
tap_schema.keysTable InfoForeign key relationships between tables available for ADQL querying. Unnamed data center's Table Access Protocol (TAP) service with table metadata.
tap_schema.schemasTable InfoSchemas containing tables available for ADQL querying. Unnamed data center's Table Access Protocol (TAP) service with table metadata.
tap_schema.tablesTable InfoTables available for ADQL querying. Unnamed data center's Table Access Protocol (TAP) service with table metadata.

Query Form

An overview over the tables available for ADQL querying within the Pithia VO datacenter